Recap: 3/07: Forest Garden, Queens, NY

Posted in Uncategorized by forestgardens on 2009/07/27

Got a permaculture certificate in 06 in MA. decided to try out what I learned back home in NYC.

site (front lawn) before implementation

site (front lawn) before implementation

Site: Lawn in Queens, ny in early March 2007. This is where I will plant a Edible Forest Garden also known as a Food Forest. I have a very limited space, 20x30ft with path and I have to be sort of considerate of my neighbors. In order for it be a forest garden though I will need different levels so a tree, shrubs and various ground cover layers. This form of gardening I believe is the most sustainable and is a form of no till and is low maintenance  and theoretically  can grow totally independently in 10 years.

Quick Design (analysis not posted)

Quick Design (analysis not posted)

Keyhole beds and a swale that will catch some path rain runoff.

2 Responses

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  1. Paul Onkel said, on 2009/07/31 at 11:44 am

    What a brilliant idea & execution. Wish I could do it, too, but am in an apartment.
    Did you have the soil analyzed by a lab before planting?

  2. forestgardens said, on 2009/07/31 at 3:45 pm

    Yes, I did, you can get it done through the Cornell extension office – and if you find there some toxins in the soil, you can look into bioremediation. A great talk about mushrooms, mycelium and bioremedation by Paul Stamets

    Got a balcony? Where does your windows face?

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